I am working at Salem LA and then later at CRN. My Ford Explorer wouldn't start this morning so I had to take my Mustang GT to work. I know, what a problem.
The Swine Flu troubles me and the fact that the Spanish Channels here in Los Angeles are not even covering it. I know that because my Mom watches her Novelas everyday and she reports not hearing any coverage. Wow! Now the US Gov't is advising us not to travel to Mexico. Hugh Jackman has now cancelled a trip to Mexico as well as other American Celebrities. Sounds like good advice. Bottom line, wash your hands constantly and monitor your health closely.
Sen Arlen Specter is now switching parties from Republican to Democrat. What is he doing!!! He thinks it will help his re-elcetion hopes but it will pull the Dems within one seat of a 60 seat fillibuster-resistant majority. Socialism doesn't work!! Spreading the wealth doesn't work!! We need to understand this.
The Gov't shouldn't have to bail out Chrysler or GM, they were the ones who drove their companies into the ground so let them file bankruptcy! Ford is doing ok and they haven't received one cent of bailout money. Is it because they build a better automobile and know how to run their company??
The President apologized for the Air Force One flyover and photoshoot in Lower Manhattan. What is this Administration thinking!!! It caused uproar from the NYC Mayor Bloomberg and evacuations of many buildings in that area. The Democrats just don't get it!!
More to come in the following days.
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